Wholesale Distributor of Siporex AAC Blocks - AAC Siporex Blocks, AAC Siporex Slabs offered by Buildlite Building Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra. Available sizes: x x mm; x x mm; x x mm; x x mm; x x mm; Get Best Quote Request A Callback Following table is an easy reference in making order of some standard sizes of Siporex blocks in bundles or pallets. Packing Data for Siporex Blocks. Block Dimensions. No. of Blocks per m3. No. of Blocks per m2. No. of Blocks per Bundle. No. of Blocks per Pallet. m3 per Bundle. m3 per Pallet. 10 x 25 x 60 cm: 2: 15 SIPOREX is produced as BLOCKS and Precast Reinforced Units, i.e., Wall Panels, Lintels and Floor/Roof Slabs forming a complete building system. SIPOREX has been used on large scale projects such as housings, schools, hospitals, commercial, industrial and government projects under all climatic conditions since the early nineteen thirties worldwide
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Vertical Wall Panels WV Vertical Wall Panels WV Vertical Wall Panels WV are reinforced units, for load bearing applications as either external or internal walls in a wide variety of low and medium rise buildings. They can also be used as non-load bearing cladding for steel or concrete framed structures, siporex block size. They may have single mat or double mat reinforcements depending on the structural requirements.
Above values were calculated based on the allowable compressive stress in low density concrete load-bearing walls as stipulated in ACI Similar to WV, they are also reinforced units with either single or double mat reinforcements, but are used in horizontal positions.
Applications include: low parapet, boundary walls, wall claddings to steel or concrete framed structures and for filling of space between lintels and ceiling.
Tongue and groove joints are usually provided for multi-layered WH construction for ease of on-site assembly. Wall panels are also available with fluted surface as an added feature. They make very attractive features in building facades used either in small areas such as under window openings or as an all-over treatment.
Fluted wall panels are also favorite features for boundary walls. Flutes are available in depths of 25 mm or less, siporex block size. These are normally used as non-load bearing internal partitions with thickness ranging from 10 to 15 cm thick depending on the height of wall, siporex block size. The flexibility in the design of partition wall panels means it can be provided with central groove to accept grouting or with standard tongue and groove, increasing their ease of on-site assembly.
They are simply fixed using steel angles or by grouting where possible inside framed structures or concrete-shell buildings. Wall panels are milled along their edges to suit various construction conditions and appearance using standard profiles. They may be chamfered or fluted on one or both faces.
Siporex block size are various shapes of wall panel millings:. Central Groove Applicable for WV, groove to be filled with cement-sand groutproviding rigid connection between panels as well as connection to the foundation through steel anchorage and next upper floor through steel dowel bars and ring beams.
Also commonly used for boundary walls using Siporex block size fixed at the ends to the supporting columns. Depth of flute can be 25 mm or less. Standard distance between flutes is mm center to center. Fiberglass tape fixed with our siporex block size adhesive, Gesol, along the siporex block size will be necessary prior to application of wall finishes. This is appropriate for Siporex wall panels used as claddings to a framed structure. Fiberglass tape will not be necessary where chamfered corners or V-grooved joints are provided.
Panel Type Lintels LW Panel Type Lintels LW Panel Type Lintels LW. Lintels are used as load-bearing members over window and door openings for external or internal walls, eliminating the need for shuttering and in-situ concrete.
They are bedded with special Siporex glue onto wall panels adjacent to the opening of reduced height. The maximum obtainable lengths free spans in meters for lintels of various design loads and thicknesses are shown in table below. Arch Type Lintels LA Arch Type Lintels LA Arch Type Lintels LA Arch Type Lintels LA. Arch type lintels are also load-bearing members but with added architectural features that can be designed with various shape and sizes of arches applicable for openings at external facades or internal walls, siporex block size.
Reinforcement mats are specially arranged to facilitate fabrication and avoid exposure after cutting the required shape. Arches can be designed with single panel where height of arch does not exceed 30 cm or multi layers of panels for high arches. Box Type Lintels LB Box Type Lintels LB Box Type Lintels LB. Box type lintels are designed with special steel reinforcement arrangement to be used where lintel depth is limited. They are suitable siporex block size block wall construction, produced with depth equal to the height of Siporex blocks for ease of construction.
This eliminates shuttering and cast-in-situ works as well as avoids thermal bridges caused by the use of traditional concrete lintel. The maximum obtainable lengths free spans in meters for Box type lintels of various design loads and thicknesses are shown in table below. Other heights and spans of lintels can be designed by our technical department depending on their particular condition and considering the clear span of openings as well as design loads.
Since Siporex lintels are constructed with the same materials as the wall panels or Siporex masonry blocks, the surfaces are easily finished and the possibility of cracks due to different thermal expansion is eliminated. Siporex slabs are also produced in various thickness and spans depending on the required load-bearing capacities, siporex block size. The table shown below gives a guide to the permissible spans of slabs with different design loads of various slab thicknesses.
Permissible Spans of Various Slab Thickness and Design Loads. Above design loads are in addition to the self-weight of the Siporex slabs. Siporex slabs are reinforced with double steel welded mats and anti-corrosion coated in Siporex factory. Quantity and sizes are in accordance with Siporex steel reinforcement tables, siporex block size.
Siporex Panels on Heavy Load Demo Roof Slabs RS Roof Slabs RS Roof Slabs RS Floor Slabs FS Floor Slabs FS Floor Slabs FS Product and Application. Siporex slabs attain their design strengths during the high-pressure steam curing process in the autoclaves. Thus, siporex block size, after delivery, slabs can be erected immediately within a very short period and ready for occupancy use. Installation can be done with minimal number of erection crew, light equipments and will not require highly skilled workers.
Shuttering works are eliminated, and finishing works can commence directly, saving time and overall costs. Siporex slabs can be used both in flat roof areas or sloped roof. They can also be installed with cantilevered ends, produced with special reinforcements. The excellent thermal insulation of Siporex slabs ensures pleasantly healthy and balanced internal temperature.
The bottom longitudinal edges are preferred to have corner chamfers giving an attractive V-shaped joints pattern on the ceiling.
Siporex solid blocks are used as load-bearing and non load-bearing walls and as thermally insulating roof tiles in addition to being used as Hordi blocks or infills for ribbed slabs. They are produced with very precise dimensions with slim tolerance of ±3mm for thickness and width, therefore they are able to be laid by thin-bed mortar Siporex glue with a maximum of 3mm thick mortar joint.
This results to a high quality wall structure with uniform thermal insulation and fast installation. For the past decades, LCC Siporex had been supplying Autoclaved Aerated Concrete AAC blocks with a standard face size of 25 cm high x 60 cm long only in various thicknesses.
However, due to the increasing demand and growing popularity of the use of AAC blocks, LCC Siporex have started the production of new dimensions of blocks in line with the continued expansion of additional manufacturing plant to sustain the market requirements. Siporex blocks are now produced at the following standard sizes:. Standard face size: 25 cm high x 60 cm long: Thickness: 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm. Hordi blocks or infill blocks for ribbed slabs can be produced in various dimensions to form lightweight infill between in-situ reinforced concrete ribs designed to span siporex block size one or both directions, siporex block size.
Due to their excellent bondage to in-situ concrete, Siporex Hordi blocks are easily arranged to form permanent part of the siporex block size, providing excellent thermal insulation as well as fire resistance material. Hordi blocks are not available in stock and are manufactured against order only. Roof insulation of existing conventional roof siporex block size still be improved with the use of Siporex thermal insulating tiles available at the following dimensions:.
Siporex siporex block size are delivered ready for use and packed in easily transportable wooden pallets. The pallets should be unloaded at the site by construction-site cranes, forklifts or other suitable hoisting equipments. For ease in unloading of materials, it is suggested to order Siporex blocks in whole bundle or pallet volume to avoid handling loose quantities. Following table is an easy reference in making order of some standard sizes of Siporex blocks in bundles or pallets. The first course should be laid on cement-mortar bed of thickness about 1 to 3 cm depending on the evenness of the base and should maintain a correct level for fast installation progress in the following courses.
It is recommended to spray the mortar siporex block size of the block before installation to keep damp at erection time especially during the hot seasons. After installation, spray with water twice a day for 3 consecutive days for curing of the mortar, siporex block size. Three types of Mortars can be applied on the succeeding courses:. Glue for Siporex BONDCHEM — for thin joints siporex block size. Pre-mixed mortar — only water is to be added.
Thickness of glue should not exceed 3 mm in horizontal and vertical joints in order to achieve the ideal consumption rate as follows:. The erection can be carried out normally as for conventional blocks, siporex block size. Gesol is a liquid material used as bonding agent and retardant for the mortar especially during hot weather.
Gesol is available at Siporex factory in 3 kg and 25 kg plastic containers. Before plastering, dirt siporex block size loose particles should be removed siporex block size walls. Spray walls with water and follow one of the two methods mentioned below:. Traditional Plastering: Similar to plastering of conventional block walls with the following mix:. Spray with water twice a day. Ordinary Plastering Mortar: 1 — 1.
Plastering with Pre-mixed Mortar Water is added to the pre-mixed plaster supplied in bags of 25 and 50 kgs. Surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and wetted without any splattering. Apply plaster directly with a thickness ranging between 0. Marble or artificial stones are fixed using hooks and screws.
It is necessary to use screws with plastic plugs like Fisher and Hilti anchors in addition to several other types specially siporex block size for use in cellular concrete. Bolts and Fixings. Various type of bolts and fixings applicable for both Siporex blocks walls and reinforced panels are discussed in Section 10 of the LCC-Siporex Technical Guide.
These types of fixings are used in installation of doors and windows, as well as wall accessories with weights not exceeding the allowable loads of the type of fixing used. Request for Quotation Central Region Riyadh, siporex block size. Your Mobile or Tel. Select Product Inquiry for BLOCKS : Masonry Blocks Blocks-Thermal Insulating Tiles Hordi Blocks.
Select Product Inquiry for Siporex block size PANELS :. WALL PANELS: Vertical WP Horizontal WP Fluted WP Partition WP. LINTELS: Panel Type Lintels Arch Type Lintels Box Type Lintels, siporex block size. SLABS: Roof Slabs Floor Slabs.
AAC Block rate 2021 - AAC Block price 2021- AAC Block rate in India - building material price 2021
, time: 6:30LCC Siporex | سيبوركس

Wholesale Trader of Siporex Block - 9 Inch AAC Block xx, Aac Siporex Block Light Weight, Size: XX Shape: Rectangular: Brand: Aerocon Aac block: Material: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete: Density Kg Per Cube M: Usage/Application: Side Walls: Thickness: mm: Product Type SIPOREX Prequalification Document. Our Prequalification Document is available to ensure that we are a reasonable prospect as a bidder that participates in a tender with demonstrated ability (expertise, capitalization and resources as a supplier) to Siporex blocks are conforming to IS (Part 3). ENGINEERING CHARACTERISTICS 1. Confirms to ISI performance load testing and use 2. Compressive strength of SIPOREX as per IS (part3) is as under Sr No STANDARD SIZES DENSITY (OVEN DRY) COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (Grade II) as per IS 1 75 / mm to kg/m3 Min 15 kg/m3 2
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